сряда, 16 октомври 2013 г.

Liebster Blog Award !!!!

Hello,sunshine lovelies...
Few months ago I was nominated for Liebster Blog Award by three gorgeous ladies - Radi D. from It's all about nails,Emanuela from Emanuela Popova and Heather from Miss Mani Monster
Thank you,ladies,for nominating me...And now I think it is time to answer your questions and resend the tag to another 10 bloggers. 
Here are the rules

1. Leave a link to the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer the ten Liebster questions asked from the blogger who nominated you.

3. Nominate 10 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

4. Ask 10 questions to the bloggers you nominate.

5. Note the nominated bloggers in their blogs.

 Heather asks - Red Frog answers 
1. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
-  Tom and Jerry forever lol
2. How about now? Any good shows you could recommend?
- I love watching LA Ink,Miami Ink and all other shows on tattoo theme
3. What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise!)
- Beer and coffee
4. Besides doing nails, do you have any other hidden talents?
- Drawing...not sure how talented I am lol
5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
- Definitely I'll go to Japan or China - love both countries 
6. What is your favorite places you've already visited?
- Bulgaria has lots of extremely beautiful places to visit and I'm proud I've visited most of them
7. If you could go back and relive any moment in your life, which would it be?
- Hm...they are many mistakes I've made in the past..maybe I'll go back to change them
8. Who is your celeb crush?
- Robbie Williams...
9. Pick a person - anyone in the world - to spend just 1 day with, dead or alive. Who is it?
- Robin Moses for sure - I would love to watch her doing her amazing nail art...why not on my nails
10. What's your guilty pleasure?
- Smoking...sad but true I'm addicted to my tabacos
11. If you had to embody one of the 7 deadly sins, which would it be?
- Pride.

Emanuela asks - Red Frog answers
In order  all questions are in Bulgarian I'll give my answers in the same language
1. Ако си цвете като кое би се определила?

- Жълта роза
2. Кой е любимият ти сезон и защо?

- Определено пролетта - всичко е ново,свежо и зелено...готово за живот и промени
3. Ако можеше да промениш нещо в живота си какво би било то ?

- Харесвам животът си такъв какъвто е.Естествено правила съм грешки,които не бих отказала да поправя,но те са ме направили това,което съм...
4. Кое е най-красивото и запомнящо се място на което си била?

- Всяко едно кътче в България,което съм имала щастието да посетя
Крушунски водопади
5. Опиши себе си с 3 думи
- Спокойна/до определен момент/,търпелива/всяко нещо си има граници/,всеотдайна/когато си струва/
6. Кой е най-големият ти страх?

- Самотата
7. Ако съществуваше "златната рибка" и тя те молеше да я пуснеш, като за това ще ти изпълни 3 желания какви щяха да бъдат те?

- Няма златни рибки...поставям си цели и се стремя да ги осъществя
8.Ако имаше 'машина на времето" къде назад във времето би ти било интересно да те отведе?

- Бих се върнала назад във времето,за да се запозная с Мария Антоанета
9. Кое е най-лудото нещо, което си правила?

- Като ученичка се научих да карам мотор...сега едва ли бих се качила да карам по същият начин
10. Как си представяш перфектната работа и изобщо мислиш ли, че има такава?

- Със сигурност има...перфектната работа трябва да ти носи удовлетворение и да те обича така както ти я обичаш...и не на последно място - да е адекватно заплатена.

Radi asks - Red Frog answers
1. Long or short hair you have? 
- Long and red....and very dry 
2. What is your favourite cosmetic product at the moment? 
- Deva Skin Care Q10 Day cream - perfect for mixed type skin as mine
3. What do you spend more money for- polishes or make up? 
- For polishes..and polishes 
 4. Do you prefer decorated or just polished and plain nails? 
- I like them painted no matter plain or decorated 
5. Do you like sand polishes
- I don't like them...I LOVE them
6. Do you wear bright- coloured clothes or you prefer black colour in your wardrobe? 
- Depends of the situation but I think there are no colors I won't wear
7. Do you have a pet and if your answer is 'Yes' what is it? 
- Yes,I have a dog - big black lazy female dog called Nera
8. Are you a fan of the false eyelashes? 
- To be honest...I'm not.
9. Sea or Mountain? 
- Sea and mountain
10. Show me your nails at the moment. Post the pic as answer. 
Wow...lots of questions ah?...That kind of tag posts are very funny and helpful for knowing each other better.It's good to know who stands behind all that photos and beauty posts.
The next thing I should do is to ask my questions right?Let's see them - 
1.When was your blog born?
2.What's the main theme of your posts?
3.In your posts - more words or more photos?
4.Do you like extreme changes in your look?
5.Any tattoes around?Post a photo if you have any.
6.What about piercings?Do you like them or not?
7.Long nails or short ones?And why?
8.If you have a daughter how old should she be to let her polish her nails?
9.How old were you when you polish your nails for the first time?
10.What makes you happy - song,photo,joke or else?Post here something funny.
It's hard to choose only 10 bloggers among all the awesome people around.Well it's good they should be with no more than 200 followers...
My nominations are
So,lovelies,enjoy the tag and let me know what's your oppinion about it....
See ya,
Red Frog

2 коментара:

  1. Еха! Сърдечни благодарности за номинацията ;) Ще се заема с поста ;))) Благодаря :) ххх

  2. Привет! Постът е най-накрая качен ;) Ето и отговорите ми на твоите въпроси
