вторник, 14 юли 2015 г.

#OMD3 - Day Fourteen - Fish !!!!

Hello, my lovelies....
Prepare your hooks - fishes are comin'!
Yes, it's Day 14 of #OMD3 and we have fish theme to inspire us. I was thinking of fish skeletons for quite a while and finally their time has come. I'm a bit tired tonight and my writing skills are on vacation so you, my lovelies, will be kind enough to forgive my quicky post.
Just enjoy my fish skeletons.
Used - 
Golden rose Rich Color 76 - my favorite white creme
Rimmel London  I love fruties 066 Cranberry zest - amazing berry red creme with lovely scent of cranberries/but forget about the topcoat if you want to feel it/
Rimmel London Rita Ora 853 Pillow talk - gorgeous, tender baby blue with magnificent but subtle silver shimmer
acrylic paints
And of course the Fish gallery - 
All  yours,
Red Frog 

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